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  • Sleep Cinema

Michelle: Two Shorties

Lake Shark

The first dream took place at some campground. Anne, Marie, Otis, and I had rented a cabin to stay in. Anne, Otis, and I decided to swim in the lake nearby. It was completely packed with people, so we decided to hike out to some cliffs to jump off into a more secluded area. I went first and dove into the water. I went so deep that I touched the lake bed. When I looked up to start swimming to the surface, I saw an enormous, fat shark swimming overhead. It's teeth jutted out of its mouth at scary, sharp angles. I saw Anne and Otis jump into the water overhead, but the shark just seemed to continue drifting in the water. As I examined the shark more, I noticed a stripe pattern on the side of its body and knew immediately that it was a tiger shark! They tend to be very aggressive, so I knew I needed to warn Anne and Otis to get out of the water. I looked up at Anne, who noticed the shark, and we exchanged worried glances. Then I woke up!

The Mixologist

I have no idea where the second dream took place, but I was in a grassy area near a cabin (maybe a continuation of the dream before?). Elizabeth, Anne, and Marie were in the cabin but I was sitting outside looking at an airplane that was parked there. It was relatively small (only big enough for one person to drive it). Anthony Kiedis (the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers) jumped out carrying a Kroger bag. He threw me the bag then sat next to me. Marie came out of the cabin and said, "Well why don't you make us a drink, then, since you have all the stuff?" I looked in the bag and saw round, multicolored candies, some white packets that looked like water flavor packets, and food coloring. I popped a candy in my mouth and realized it was a hard, fizzy candy that starts sour then becomes sweet as you continue to eat it. I figured I could use the candies to sweeten the drinks, and I thought the fizzy effect from them would look cool in the drink. I initially tried to use the Kroger bag as a cocktail shaker, and scooped some water from a puddle (ew!) as a base for the drink. However, as one would expect, this was not a good idea. When I plopped a candy into the water and tried to shake the contents in the bag, everything sloshed out on me.

Marie handed me a glass she found in the cabin, which was much better! As I had hoped, when I plopped the candy in the water it started to fizz. However, the water looked a little murky, so I added blue food coloring to make the drink look more like some kind of cocktail. I grabbed one of the white packets and dumped the contents into the drink. The powder was white and chalky, and did not mix well in the water. Anthony said he'd try the drink first and snatched the drink out of my hand. He chugged the whole thing then laid across the Kroger bag on his stomach. I was annoyed since he was laying on all of the drink ingredients, so I scratched his back (in a nice way, like how you would scratch a friend's back if they asked you to), which caused him to sit back up and thank me. I made another drink for myself then tried it. I can't remember it tasting like anything, but I remember worrying that everyone would hate the drink and I would be embarrassed! Then I woke up! Cheers, I guess!

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