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Sleep Cinema

Michelle: The Worst School Day

I'm in a school (I don't recognize the school as any I've ever attended in real life), and I'm sitting in a classroom with two other students- one man and one woman. We all look to be about the same age. I'm sitting in my desk when I get a strange, itchy feeling on one of my teeth (the first premolar on the top right side of my mouth). I move my hand to the tooth and start wiggling it. It becomes very loose, and I continue to wiggle it until I hear a click! as it detaches from my gums and comes out in my hand. I feel blood start to fill my mouth and I see it start dripping out onto my desk. I stare at my tooth in horror then immediately calm down, as I tell myself it must be a baby tooth. I feel the same itchy feeling on the opposite premolar in my mouth, so I again move my hand to the tooth, aggressively wiggle it, then cause it to click! out of my gums and into my hand. My mouth again fills with blood, so I try to discreetly spit it all out around my desk without the other students noticing. I'm still not concerned about the teeth, because I tell myself they must be baby teeth since they came out so easily. The itchy feeling comes back, but this time it is on my right lateral incisor. This one actually concerns me, though, since I just KNOW this is an adult tooth. I tried my hardest to ignore the feeling, but my morbid curiosity got the best of me and I grabbed the tooth and started wiggling. Instead of popping out easily, my tooth breaks in half in my hands, leaving the roots and bottom half of the tooth stuck in my gums.

The man looks over at me and jokingly tells me "the tooth fairy will be pleased tonight," but the woman seems genuinely concerned about the bits of tooth stuck in my gums. She calls maintenance to come check out my mouth. Three men in coveralls come to the room and crowd around me. One of the men stares into my open mouth and tells me to go to the bathroom to manually pick out all the bits of tooth. I run out of the classroom and into the bathroom. I stare at the holes in my mouth from my lost teeth and locate the tooth shards in my gums. Then, I slowly and methodically pull bits of tooth out of my gums. It doesn't hurt, but I'm alarmed at how long and sharp the bits of tooth are. I suddenly get an uncomfortable feeling that someone is in the bathroom with me. I look around but realize the bathroom is too dimly lit to see anything. There is only one light above the mirror, leaving the areas around the stalls in complete darkness. Each stall is slightly ajar, so I fear that someone is watching me from the darkness. I hurriedly finish my task then dart out of the bathroom.

While in the hallway I get a text that says "Do you want to see the swamp ghosts or The Grudge?" I immediately know who I absolutely DON'T want to see and look up to see a black mist appearing next to the classroom door. The mist swirls to the ground and starts to manifest the feet of a figure. The skin is a dull, greyish, dead-looking tone, so I know who that is and sprint for the classroom door. It tries to slam in my face, but I manage to grab it and force myself inside before it latches shut. The classroom starts to transform into a swamp biome (the ground become muddy, and murky water fills the room; trees also sprout up and I hear birds and crickets). Our clothes also transform into rags, which I assume to be some kind of reference to the swamp ghosts. I'm nervous to see what the swamp ghosts are like, as I'm not familiar with them, but I'm relieved I escaped the horrific alternative. As I think that, the classroom changes back to normal, and the black mist appears, manifesting the same terrible figure in the middle in the room. The man yells for us to drop down and avert our gaze. I drop to my knees and press my face and arms against the floor. I look up to see the lady from The Grudge drop down and scuttle over to me. She immediately jumps on my back, her hair draping over my face. She croaks loudly in my hear, and I can feel her fingers wiggling on my neck. I try to yell out, but I can't make any noise. I'm in a state of panic when I finally wake up! :(

<Don't worry, this is just a pic of a black wig. I couldn't bring myself to look up pictures of the scary Grudge lady!>

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