<This dream had many different cuts and changes of scenery. It was difficult to remember everything, but I tried my best. This dream was very strange, and so upsetting at the end!>
I remember being on a float in a parade that was going on in the middle of some football stadium. The place was full of people dressed in really weird, colorful outfits. I was wearing a very gaudy, sparkly red gown. Suddenly, everyone started to panic; everyone was jumping off of their parade floats and screaming. I noticed huge rifts start to crack into the earth accompanied by a loud rumbling sound. The sky was darkening and it looked like the surrounding land (along with all the plants) was starting to dry up. I was with my boyfriend (Michael) and we were trying to climb the stairs to get out of the stadium. It was extremely difficult, since people would push me over or block my path in their state of panic. I shouted "What is going on!?" to a man near me. He told me that the world was going to end in 30 mins.
The dream then cut to me out of the stadium. I was standing in an area that looked like the deserts of Arizona (red sand with small cacti/plants jutting out). The survivors that escaped the football stadium were with me, including Anne, Marie, Elizabeth, and Michael. I somehow knew this area had been where my childhood home was, but now it had become a desolate desert. There were two tents in the area: one had a sign that said "God," and the other had a sign that said "Devil." I happened to be standing right next to the "Devil" sign with my family and Michael. None of us could figure out what it meant. An army man appeared next to me and handed me a nightgown. He told me I needed to quickly choose which tent I think is "right" because the world will end any minute. I was trying to decide which tent to choose when I noticed the sky become pitch black. White lights appeared in the sky that moved like falling rain (I somehow knew these were meteorites that preceded the crashing of the sun into the earth). Actual meteors started to crash into the sands around me, so I panicked and immediately ran into the Devil tent (since it was closest to me). Elizabeth and Michael followed me inside, but Anne and Marie took a chance and ran for the God tent.
I looked at Elizabeth and said "Well, I guess we don't know if we're wrong yet!" We both laughed at this. Michael told me he wanted to watch the meteors outside. I walked out of the tent with him and noticed the light in the sky start to turn into a blinding white ring. I started to panic and cry, which annoyed Michael. He frowned at me and said, "you promised you wouldn't cry." The ring of light got brighter and closer. I thought to myself that the fumes from the sun must be suffocating me, causing me to hallucinate. Suddenly the ring of light was right near my face, and it transformed into a metal tube. I was sucked up into the tube and appeared inside a space ship with a few other people from the Devil tent. A robotic, alien voice announced over an intercom that "Girls are ordered to be waitresses, and men will be laborers" (I felt extremely relieved that women didn't have to be vessels for alien babies).
The dream cuts to me sitting on the couch in the family room of my childhood home. I'm seated next to Anne's friend Noelle; we're both wearing our nightgowns from the tent. She told me that the world hadn't ended after all and that the panic was all for nothing. We both were shaking and crying from the whole ordeal, so I made the joke that I could go for some Cane's (it's a fried chicken restaurant that I like in real life). She laughed and told me to stop talking about what just happened or else we'll keep crying. We walk outside and see a lot of people hugging and rejoicing with their families. Noelle starts to get texts from from her family telling her where to meet them. I wan't getting any texts, so I immediately text the group message with me, Anne, Marie, and Elizabeth telling them that "I am safe and sound" and to "please tell me where we all need to meet!" I texted Michael the same thing.
The dream cuts to the evening. I am sitting in my house with other survivors and their families. No one has replied to my texts and I'm starting to get very worried. I ask Noelle "how long will it take to get everyone back to earth?" She told me that if they're not here now then they're gone forever. Suddenly I get this horrible feeling in my gut as I remember the tent I had chosen. I immediately think to myself, "Oh god, I'm in Hell." I started to sob then woke up, still sobbing hysterically.
<What a horrible dream! It really would be hell for me to have to live in a world without Anne, Marie, and Elizabeth!>