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Michelle - Shortie: Haircut from HELL

Sleep Cinema

Johnathan Van Ness and another man are giving me and a group of others haircuts on the back porch of the home I grew up in. JVN is working on my hair while the other man works on a woman in front of me and to my right. Next to them is a woman following along with the man, trying to cut her own hair. I watch as she makes a straight cut across one side of her head, leaving one side with a blunt bob cut and the other side in long, wispy strands. I feel bad for her, as I think to myself that I'd be devastated to have hair as short as hers when she tries to even up the sides. JVN finishes my hair and I immediately jump out of the seat and run to the bathroom mirror to have a look. I. AM. HORRIFIED!! The top of my head has been completely shaved with a ring of hair left around the shave, resembling a monk's haircut. The hair left around the bald spot, including my bangs, has been tightly curled together and styled over the bald spot, giving me a bulb of curls over my shaved head. The remaining hair has been pulled so tight into the curls that my hairline looks like its receding and my forehead looks massive! Small baby hairs hang from the sides of my head in pathetic little wisps. I look insane! I start to sob.

I run upstairs and see Elizabeth packing a suitcase in Anne's old room. I whimper, "He ruined my hair!" Elizabeth looks at me sympathetically and pats my shoulder to comfort me. "I know. This is why I told you not to get your hair cut!" I continue to sob then run downstairs and throw myself onto the couch. I bury my face in the pillows so that the hairstylists can't see my reaction. Then I woke up!

<I ran my fingers all through my hair after waking up, happy to find that my hair was still pretty and long!>

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