I find myself in a large, dark warehouse. The only light source is a harsh florescent light overhead, leaving the rest of the warehouse in pitch blackness. I can't make out how large the space is, but it feels cold and massive. In front of me are three men, who look about my age, tied to chairs. They look beaten and bruised and are looking down at the floor. They seem afraid. Next to the men are three large, clear containers that look like oversized beakers, taller than me but about as wide as my body. Out of the darkness walks a man wearing a crisp lab coat, goggles, and black boots. He reminds me of the dad from Invader Zim with how his face is covered. I reason that I must be part of some experiment. He gestures to the men then towards the vats. In a deep, commanding voice he tells me that I am to fill each vat completely. One must be filled with blood, one with sweat, and the last with semen. I'm thinking to myself that this seems impossible and also incredibly strange. I'm starting to worry about how I can possibly complete this task when I woke up!
< Such a strange dream! Although I'm sure there are men out there that would volunteer for this experiment. Blegh! >