I was in the house I grew up in. Anne and I were in her room playing on her laptop. Anne had to leave to get something, so I was left alone for a bit. In the next room over, Michael (my bf) and our friend DS were hanging out. Michael invited RD (a girl I really don't like in real life) to come hang out at my house. I was super pissed. I heard him say "Hey <insert stupid nickname he has for her>, let me see your phone!" in an annoying, douchey tone, so I was getting livid (in real life, Michael knows I really don't like this person!). I heard RD walk out of the room, so I tried to hide behind the door so she wouldn't see me. She immediately said, "Hey Michelle! Be in this Youtube video with me!" She turned her phone toward me and I noticed I looked HUMONGOUS. "Woah! I don't want to be in this!" I exclaimed. She laughed at my reaction and said, "It's the fat challenge!" She stepped into frame and I noticed that the camera had some kind of filter on it that distorted the image to be huge and wide, like a funhouse mirror. Suddenly, a family came into the room and said "Hey! They're doing the fat challenge, too!?" (I don't recognize who these people were, but in the dream I understood them to be some lame family who makes videos on Youtube together- two parents and their two young sons).
I went downstairs to leave this awful situation when a group of teens (who I also don't recognize but in the dream understood them to be Youtubers) told me to sit and listen to music on the kitchen floor. They were filming my reactions to the music they had me listen to. They got up and left, but told me to keep listening to the music. As soon as they were gone, I left to sit in the hallway because I was getting fed up with all of these Youtubers and I really didn't like the music they had me listening to! I was just chilling in the hallway, sitting on the floor next to the kitchen, when DS came down the stairs. He gestured backwards with his thumb and said, "Doesn't it smell like a phone back there?" I was confused and responded, "DS, I don't really know what that means." He said, "You know, like an Indian phone?" I still had no idea what that meant but tried to politely agree. RD came down the stairs and sat next to me. I looked down at my shoes (white keds) and noticed that one of them had black goo at the tip. I showed it to RD and asked her what was going on when I noticed her look forward and point a trembling finger at something facing us. She had a terrified expression on her face and was whimpering. I looked forward to see what she was pointing at and saw Anne standing in front of us at a weird angle. She had her arms and hands in a position you would do if you were pretending to be a snarling animal, but her back was bent to the side. I tried to look at her face but she immediately dropped down on all fours and ran at me at lightning speed. Her face contorted into that of a demonic scream. I screamed and stuck my foot out to keep her away (think what Stuart did in MadTV skits). Then I woke up!