Otis and I were on vacation in a place that seemed to be Hawaii. Apparently, I’d taken a nap and woke up to find a note from Otis saying he was walking to Kroger. I was worried that he would get lost; we had not rented a car and we had been in this place less than a day. I left our apartment on foot to find the nearest grocery store.
I walked down the street, turned the corner, and from behind me, I heard a car coming. I turned to look and saw that Otis was in the car with his head sticking out the back window. The car pulled over to the curb. He was smiling and told me to get in. Since he was on the passenger side of the back seat, I walked around and got in behind the driver.
Within just a few moments, we entered the parking lot of a giant Kroger store – it was at the next corner in fact. The car drove us up to the front door, we thanked the driver and front passenger for the ride, and then Otis and I got out. Having no more than shut the car door, the driver stepped out and looked at me. It was my dad! He looked the way I remembered him from about 10 years ago – he looked healthy. I grabbed him and hugged him tightly, and then started crying. I didn’t want to let go of him, and I couldn’t stop crying. I realized this was a dream. The embrace became awkward because it went on for too long. I wanted for us to talk before the dream ended, but as soon as I let go, I woke up.