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  • Sleep Cinema

Elizabeth: So, we're supposed to fight?

I am led down a long hallway with another girl and we are brought to a room full of junk. I don't know why we're here, but I think something's up. Whatever is happening, I'm doing what I'm told. I look around at all the junk while we chat amicably. There are a lot of boxes and pieces of miscellaneous furniture, but then I spot something weird: a machete. I notice other knives, javelins, and weapons. I hear an announcement in the background about how many points each type of weapon is worth. Shit. I realize that we are being put in this room to fight to the death. I roll my eyes and pick up a thin machete. The girl I am with is also selecting a weapon. Luckily, some new people arrive so we can fight them for now instead of fighting each other, but I figure we'll have to fight each other eventually.

The dream becomes pretty graphic at this point, but the "vibe" is strange. I am hacking two women in the head with my machete, but they are just standing there kind of waiting for me to do it, and it's not really working. I keep trying different ways to hit them with it, and it totally sinks into their brains, but nothing seems to happen. I pull it out and try a different spot or angle, but it's almost as if they're annoyed with me for taking so long. I try to frontal lobe, thinking surely that'll kill somebody, but no response. I try hitting over and over along the skull, thinking surely a brain can't survive multiple cuts next to one another, no response. I finally cut off their heads, and that's the best I can do. I feel terrible that it took so many dozens of injuries to finally kill them. The people in the room aren't fighting in the normal way. They are more or less standing around talking, and occasionally sticking a weapon into somebody else. The contrast between hurting each other and chatting feels strange to me at the time. It's normal to walk past somebody, stab them, and otherwise ignore each other. I don't know who wins.

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