My brain is absolutely swimming in dream this morning; I hardly feel awake!
First, I was a cheerleader. A bad one. I was used to being a bad cheerleader. I would stand in the back, I would watch the other cheerleaders, and I would mimic their moves the best I can. Tonight I had a game scheduled, but I began to panic as the details came together. I found out it was just me and one other girl cheering. It was going to be very difficult to hide my incompetence with only one other cheerleader on the floor. In addition, it was a special night with lots of extra cheers, and we were cheering for college basketball. We also had to be announcers and know all the players' names and information to introduce them. My initial feelings of, "I can manage this" quickly turned into, "OH SHIT." I was going to try to learn and practice all I could before the game, but there were many dance routines, cheers, and I had to learn to do backflips. I talked to the other cheerleader and gently suggested that she ask one of the other cheerleaders to do it with her instead of me, and eventually she agreed. I was so glad.
This next part of the dream made no sense whatsoever, and was deeply disturbing. I'll describe the details as best as I can, but I really don't understand the plot or the point. The dream started off with me being in charge of some rooms and the rooms' contents. One of the rooms contained a person/being/entity that was somehow bad. Sometimes the entity was like a bad person, sometimes a bad animal, and sometimes just badness. I never saw it and I never opened the door. I wanted the bad thing to die, so I was neglecting it. It was as if I had a monster in a cage and I was waiting on it to starve to death. I began to be worried about several things though: 1. I was worried I would get in trouble for letting it die. 2. I was afraid of how I would dispose of the body. 3. I was afraid I would open the door to check on it and I would have to "finish it off." The dream was a lot of upset. I think the reason the dream makes no sense is that at this point, the dream forks apart and those fears play out into their own dreams. I'll try to break the dream up here:
(I dreamed the various solutions out of order, so I'm typing them in the order I dreamed them so they make sense to the reader)
2. I had a box of body parts to dispose of, but I didn't want to get caught with them or hide them poorly. I knew they would start to smell soon. Fortunately, the amount of body parts was small enough to fit in a ziplock bag. I was suddenly at mom's house and I decided to hide the bag in one of her flower pots. There wasn't any soil, so I hid it in water, I placed another pot full of water on top, nestled inside on top of the body parts.
3. I decided not to finish off the bad thing, just let it go and let it fend for itself. When I did that, the creature appeared in the dream as my old dog who runs away every chance he gets. I took his collar off and he ran away. I immediately regretted this.
1. I was afraid of getting in trouble, so I made the decision to try and fix everything the right way instead. There was no more "person dying in a room," but I was having to be open with all the weird stuff that was going on in the house and try to do the right thing. I called the old dog back and he returned right away. I was going to make things right.