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  • Sleep Cinema

Elizabeth: Prison Camp

I had been trespassing in a forbidden area and was captured. I am in a prison camp within the forbidden zone and plotting my escape. I'm unable to make plans because the task seems so daunting. Even if I were able to escape the facility, I would be deep within the forbidden zone. I was unfamiliar with the terrain, and I would be easily recaptured. I was in decent standing at the camp and the guards weren't horrible to me. If I tried to escape, I thought they might kill me or treat me badly after. A high school friend, Nathaniel, was in there with me. I was worried about his well-being (in reality he suffered from addiction in adulthood and passed away.) I had the feeling that I was with a past version of him, and I wondered if I was with a version earlier enough in his addiction to be helped. It wasn't a main feature of the dream, just a passing thought.

I soon realized that we weren't ordinary prisoners. The leaders of the forbidden zone, finding themselves in possession of a number of non-citizens, were utilizing this new resource by conducting scientific experiments on their captives. I didn't understand exactly what type of experimentation was going on until I noticed a boy with unusual eyes. He was, overall, a little puffy looking. The strangest thing about his appearance was that his eyes were slightly larger and wider set than normal. I deduced that this boy had been made pregnant by the scientists, and that the fetus he was incubating would, because of its mother's gender, grow up to be a special kind of person. Aside from a growing abdomen, the size and distance between the boys' eyes increased as their pregnancy progressed and their skin took on a puffier appearance. It was then that I realized I may not actually be valuable at all because I wasn't a boy and couldn't give birth to one of the scientifically created special babies. I knew I had better be very careful to survive my internment.

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