(This dream is based on a brief experience I had yesterday evening. The neighbors kids were playing in a row of brush along the back fenceline of my yard. I could hear them, but they didn't know I was there 20 feet away in my yard. They went into the open area of that lot and played baseball. A baseball landed in my yard and I threw it back, one kid thought it had "fallen out of a tree" and the other kid told him that someone had thrown it back.)
I had been out in the yard early that morning to take the dogs out and I was excited to step out and relax out there for a few hours in the evening. The yard is very private in the summer - the honeysuckle leafs out and it's as good as a wall.
I immediately notice that something in the back yard has changed. I can suddenly see the lot and the houses behind my house as clear as day! My neighbor is standing there with hedge clippers tidying up his work. He has clear cut the trees and brush all the way to the ground and all that's left is the wire fence with a newly added frosted glass partition above it. It looks so terrible, and I am completely exposed.
I approach him angrily and he tells me that he had the area surveyed and that my property line is actually on his property, so he cut all my bushes so it would look neater. I was furious. I didn't know who to call or what to do. Even if I found a resolution, it would be YEARS before the brush would go back and restore my privacy. I cried in frustration.