(I'm sorry in advance. I didn't want to dream this - but I'm going to write it like I remember. This dream doesn't represent my feelings!)
School is back in session. I am already feeling self conscious because I know my dress is shorter than what I usually wear. I don't think it goes against dress code, but it's loose, and I feel uncomfortable. The first scene takes place in the cafeteria. The Vice Principal is talking to the student body about something while I am circulating. There are several hundred students, and I don't notice any other adults besides us. The Vice Principal jokes, "We don't want to end up having a bunch of winter lesbians!" and he laughs with many of the students. A girl who is offended says, "What if I called your dad a faggot, would that be okay?" He is not amused by that, and I'm thinking, 'Girl, he shouldn't have said lesbian, but woah!'
Suddenly, about 10 feet from me, a tall, lanky boy stands up and he looks deeply troubled. His expression is so sad and he's nearly crying, but able to speak. He says, "That's what I'm going be. I'm so addicted to pornography." He starts to continue and slowly reaches into his jacket. I know what's coming and my mind starts to race with how to get through this situation without having any students get killed. He slowly pulls out a pistol while explaining what he means and crying. I turn my back to him immediately and communicate with the other students that they need to watch me for what to do. I didn't want the kids to start screaming and running and startle him into shooting. I trusted that the Vice Principal would handle the kid, and it would be my responsibility to evacuate. That's exactly what happened, and it looked like the kid wasn't going to shoot, that he was turning over his weapons at that moment. I evacuated the kids and ended up in a safe zone with 8 middle schoolers that I didn't know. After we had gotten away, I told them how proud I was for staying calm and following instructions.
(Was that weird? Not when you read the rest of the dream.)
I had a lot of things on my mind during the rest of the dream, the near-shooting was not one of them. Primarily, I was concerned about my classroom furniture. You see, I had recently moved my canopy, queen bed from my classroom to the cafeteria. It just took up too much room in the classroom and I needed the space for desks. The cafeteria seemed like a good spot, and I put up a 50 gallon aquarium next to the bed. Once I had it filled with fish, I suddenly realized that maybe the principal wouldn't want me to have my bed and fishtank in the cafeteria, and now that the tank was filled with water it would be hard to move. I also thought to myself that I really like having that canopy bed in my bedroom at home, but I never quite got to the point where I realized how freaking weird it was that my bed was at school. I am walking around the school looking for the principal to ask her what she thinks - I didn't want her to have to call me in and give me a talking to about the bed. I found her on duty next to the girls' bathroom, she's having to remind a lot of girls that their shorts don't meet the dress code requirements. I suddenly have to use the bathroom terribly so I duck into the bathroom where all the girls are calling their moms and changing their clothes. I walk in and see that all the stalls are full. Someone is walking out of the last one, a former student, and she has her jean shorts pulled fully up into her crack as a reaction to being told that they are too short. I give her an Andy Beshear look and tell her to fix her shorts. She knows I'm not really mad and she laughs and fixes her shorts. I go into the bathroom and shut the door, and I realize that there is blood all over the floor. I am shocked and I think I must have gotten my period. Embarrassed, I get some toilet paper and try to wipe it up, but I see that every stall has the blood on the floor. Their is a slightly sweet, acidic smell in the air and I bring the bloody toilet paper up to my nose and affirm that, indeed, it is ketchup. Someone has played a mean prank!
After flushing, the room suddenly transform into a passing area students go through as they are released from the gym before school. The stall dividers retract into the floor, the toilets stay there. A couple boys set their bookbags down next to me where the dividers were. It makes me really uncomfortable to go so suddenly from having a private moment to being basically in a hallway full of male and female students. I'm not sure if the walls came down because I had finished, or if I had just gotten lucky not to be caught on the toilet, it seems like a bad design. In this hallway a bunch of student workers who serve as custodians were horseplaying and I have it in mind to tell the principal that I don't think they should be goofing off when they are on duty. When I see the principal, I tell her about the girl in the jean shorts and she tells me that she had made a weird comment about ketchup, so I realize the prank was her. I don't really get to tell her anything, students keep coming up and warning us about weird things other students are doing or saying.