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  • Sleep Cinema

Elizabeth: A Brief and Vivid Memory

I don't have any context for this dream and I don't remember anything before or after. It's just one searing memory that, every time I woke up after having it, I reminded myself to put it in the blog.


I was lying on a giant slab or platform. The room was old and had a vaulted ceiling made of stone and plastered, but dingy. There was a window behind me and large doorways to the right and left. Around the edges of the room were tables and work surfaces. To my left was a man who was a doctor and an embalmer. All around me in rows were corpses laid out. They weren't extremely fresh, but they weren't showing signs of obvious decay. We were all laying flat on our backs in three rows, about 6 people to a row, the doctor and I in the middle of the group. As I took in my surroundings, I started to feel disgusted by being surrounded by corpses. Just as that feeling came over me, it shifted to a feeling of claustrophobia and terror, as if all the bodies were getting closer. The doctor turned his head towards me with a maniacal, toothy smile. The bodies didn't actually move, but as he smiled, I felt their presence pressing in around me.

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