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Anne: We Must Find a Cure

Sleep Cinema

I was in a semi-conscious state this entire dream which is why it felt all too real


Robert and I are scientists at the lab I work at currently. We're given the task of finding a cure for some disease apparently. We are exhausted and agree to take the vials we're working on home so that we can get some rest and view the results of them in the morning (At this point, in real time, Robert got up to take a shower after his nap which kind of woke me up).

I hear Robert in the shower and I roll over in bed, going to sleep with the vials next to me. I get a phone call from some lady we work for and I can't seem to move to answer it. I hear something in the room with me but the shower is still running so I know it's not Robert. I still can't move. I feel something sit in bed next to me and I begin to panic. My mind is racing. I want to yell for Robert but can't mutter a sound. I want to jump out of bed but I can't seem to move.

I finally manage to make a noise and move my arm to get out of this state of sleep paralysis I am in. I roll over and see a women resembling the individuals that Samara has killed laying over my vials, groaning, reaching out to get me.


At this point, I finally woke myself up by flinging myself out of bed. Robert came to bed shortly after, but I'm glad he wasn't there to witness my shenanigans.

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