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Anne: The Chosen One

Sleep Cinema

There I am at a rocky bank by the ocean. Behind me is my parents' back yard. In almost a video game style quality, I control a group of dolphins by the rocks. My sisters and I have a group chat in real life where we send each other memes frequently. I am looking for memes at the bottom of the ocean and need the dolphins to swim down and get them for me. I control the dolphins one by one as they swim towards the bottom. I am careful not to hit any other fish or I lose this game. I lose three dolphins in the trenches that are glowing green. Suddenly, I feel a tap on the back of my shoulder. I turn to see a little Indian boy who resembles a young Aladdin wearing nothing but a vest and baggy, cloth pants. He is accompanied by a man who looks about my age. The only way to describe this man is that he has hair that looks similar to Captain Hook in the movie Hook. This man is wearing a red jacket and jeans. The two inform me that they need help because they were sent by a guild on a mission to destroy someone called SL3. Obviously, I have know idea who this is but I agree. I ask the little boy what the plan is. He tells me that his plan is to pretend to be a couple so they can get into restaurants and other places. In this world, you can only enter these places with your significant other. His plan is to be the boyfriend and his brother to dress like a girl. The older man argues that it would make more sense to be vice versa but the little boy insists. I tell them not to worry and that I will pretend, if I have to. The older boy hands me a knife and tells me that everyone has to carry a weapon. People must choose between a knife, a bow and arrow, or a gun. I am worried about only having a small dagger but I tell myself to deal with it.

Suddenly, a woman with a long blond braid and a blue jacket that resembles that of a band conductor sneaks behind the older boy and stabs him. I realize this is a world of rogues. In a violent fight for the death, she stabs both of the boy's eyes out and he falls to the ground. I take my dagger and slit her throat. It is very gruesome. She falls to the ground. I look down and her blood is all over me. I am horrified and begin to cry. The little boy runs off.

I try to hide so people do not know it was me. My mom used to have rose bushes behind our house. I hide behind them and see a group of men practicing with their bow and arrows. The older boy from before stands up and joins me. He is perfectly normal but I think nothing of it. I guess I am more worried about other things. The older boy gasps! I look to my left and see this creature coming towards us with long flowing tentacles. This thing is a seafoam green color and resembles an alien.

I prepare with my small dagger, ready to fight. Of course this thing has a gun and shoots me in the hip. The adrenaline runs through me and I tackle the thing to the ground. I slit its throat. I take its gun. The old boy looks worried as people start whispering around me. My parents' house has a screened in porch on the first floor that covers the porch of the basement. An old couple is sitting underneath it and beckons me over. They introduce me to the group of men with the bow and arrows and whisper amongst themselves. I hear them mention a prophecy and how I have killed SL3, the most powerful monster in this world. They think I am the chosen one that was sent to rid the world of evil. The rest of the men tell me to practice shooting the gun since most people can not use it effectively. The gun is connected to a silver key ring at the bottom with a plastic safety button on the side. The gun is a plastic blue color. I cock the gun but the orange trigger doesn't budge. I'm finally able to shoot it but it shoots a giant metal ball backwards that begins to spin around. The ball releases several giant bullets that turn into small bombs. As the ball spins another compartment opens up and releases sparks and flames. Marie comes out from the back porch and I yell for her to not come near the ball. She doesn't listen so I try to push her out of the way. The ball releases a smaller ball that does the same thing. Eventually the two stop. I realize why this is so dangerous. The old couple order me to rest inside because I am going on an other mission in the morning. The inside of the house resembles a hospital ward. They put me in a room similar to an ICU unit that has about twenty beds. All of the outlets have Christmas themed wallflowers plugged into them. I see my boyfriend, Robert, sitting on one of the beds. Relieved to see him, I run up and hug him. He complains about the smell of the wallflowers to which I assure him that I will box up the Christmas ones once winter is over.

I am starving so Robert takes me outside. We are now in a bigger city. There is a hot dog stand out front where you can make your own hot dogs. You just have to bring your own meat. Robert pulls out a package of ground beef and hands it to the worker. They make small talk and a giant line forms behind me. These hot dogs are HUGE. I worry that I will not be able to finish these. I'm not a fan of hot dogs but I am so hungry that these look appealing. Robert offers to clean the grill and I help. The worker sobs as no one has helped him before. A coworker of mine, KG, runs up and tells me we have to deliver papers to Professor Robertson. KG hops in a minivan and I tell him I want to race him on foot there. None of the traffic patterns make sense and I just run down the highway to reach the brick building.


I woke up after that. While this dream was a wild ride, I am wondering if I ever completed my mission and brought peace to the world.

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