I am in my hometown and an old highschool friend, CB, informs me that there are American Idol auditions being held. Whoever gets chosen gets to go on an extravagant cruise to a private island and vacation for a whole week. She and her friends are auditioning with "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift. I hear them practicing and it sounds bad. A light-haired brunette I am assuming I'm friends with encourages me to audition (strange considering I can't sing at all). I figure it would be an interesting opportunity anyway because I can meet Simon Cowell and if I happen to get chosen, I get to go on a cruise so it's a win-win. I decide to sing "Landslide" since it doesn't really have a lot of range so I could potentially not sound THAT bad.
I step into the audition room which just looks like a dressing room from the theater in my hometown. I recognize Simon but the other judges don't look familiar. There is an old man who kind of resembles Mick Jagger. There are two women, one with red hair and the other a brunette. I don't have a speaker to play my music so I use my phone but I can't get the song to download on Spotify. Time is ticking and I'm worried the music won't play. Simon gets up and pulls me aside. He tells me that since it has taken so long for me to sing, I should technically be disqualified for dehydration (???) so he tells me to just sing without the music playing. I reluctantly do it. Mick Jagger tells me that I was the worst he's heard all day (not wrong honestly). The women both like me but the brunette doesn't feel like I'm ready. Simon agrees that I'm very average but likes me enough that I get to go on the cruise anyway (surprising for Simon!).
I board the ship and it takes me to an island that looks touristy for being private. There are large condos everywhere and many people by the beach. Tiny birds, I think finches, are circling the island making me worried. The little birds dive down and start pecking people in the eyes. This makes the people crazy and want to kill each other. I sprint back to the cruise ship and see that it has been overrun with crazy people. I make it to the captain's cabin and lock the door. I hear people banging on it. I frantically search for a communication device and find a walkie-talkie. I put it on several different channels and manage to find people to talk to. I beg for help but soon realize these people only speak Japanese. Defeated, I hide under the table waiting for my demise.