I don't remember much from this dream. I know Robert and I are on vacation somewhere. We're in what looks like a cabin sitting in a screen-in porch. It reminds me of the screened-in porches from the cabins we stayed in at Hocking Hills when I was young.

We are eating at a little, white plastic table outside. Robert is trying to decide what we'll do next. He seems self conscious about something. He tells me that he is worried that his white coat won't fit anymore because he has gained weight. I tell him he's over reacting because he's not overweight by any means (plus he'd have to gain a ton of weight for his white coat not to fit). But he still seems upset over the day, so I decide we should go out for the evening.
I am getting ready in the bathroom. Robert walks in and he's wearing a backwards hat, cowboy boots, baggy jeans, and a camo shirt. He looks ridiculous! I try not to laugh but he assures me he knows he looks silly. He just wants to distract himself and others from his weight gain. I make a joke that he looks like someone who would definitely drink Monster Energy drinks.
