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Sleep Cinema

Michelle: A Deadly Premonition

Updated: May 7, 2020

The dream starts as if it is a trailer for a horror movie. I see flashes of scenes, such as a dark scary room, a flash of a police officer calling into the dark room, and then flashes of this horrific thing. Its silhouette looked like the entity in Lights Out, more so the movie than the short film because this thing looked pretty tall. I saw a scene in which it was standing in a doorway, and another where it was standing at the end of a dark hallway. Then there was a jump-scare scene where I turn the corner in a hallway and its horrific face jumps out at me. Its truly awful- its eyes are solid white with scarring and blood all around them (like the eyes of the crying nurse in Silent Hill) and it was smiling, with a blackened, decayed grin. The last scene is one in which I am in my parent's room with a group of girls I don't recognize. One says she thought she heard something outside, so she opens the door, screams, then is pulled out into the hallway.

The dream then cuts to me in a grassy area. I am with a school group. One of the girls from the movie trailer is with me. we're standing next to these runes in the ground that have symbols of animals on them. I assume we're on some kind of field trip, because the rest of the group is talking to a man about the runes- he mentions this is a sacred burial ground. I notice little fossils in the ground and start to pick one up until I get the thought that this is like a horror movie in which someone disturbs a burial ground and awakes an ancient demon. I realize that the movie trailer I had lived out earlier must be predicting what will happen. My friend and I are suddenly surrounded by cute, fuzzy birds that land on our shoulders. I feel the birds grip my shirt and try to pull me away from the runes (I understood this to mean I DEFINITELY should not touch anything). I get the fear that one of the other kids will mess with the runes.

The dream cuts to me with the group of girls from the trailer. We are in my parents room, but in the dream I understood it to be a hotel room. One of the girls was being a major bitch to me. She was making fun of my clothes and said that they all were going to go get food but that I couldn't come. I was getting annoyed and started to unpack my things when we hear scratching at the door. I knew immediately what this scene was. I panic and try to inch my way towards the door to lock it, but the bitchy girl told me to stop getting near her. I told her something evil is out there but she mocks me and says something like "ooooh I'm going to go see the ghost!" She opens the door wide to reveal a black hallway. The other girls laugh until suddenly a white hand comes out of the darkness and pulls her out. We all scream and I run to shut the door, As I'm closing it, I see something skittering on the ceiling.

The dream cuts to me being lead through a communal shower by a police officer. We are fully clothed, so everyone in the shower looked at us funny. Somehow I knew that the police officer thought I had killed the girl from before and that he was taking me to meet his partner somewhere to be interrogated. I think we were going through the shower because his partner had found an entrance behind the showers to the world in which the evil thing resides and this was the only way we could get there without the evil thing bringing us there itself. I wanted to stall us getting there so I try to crack a joke by saying "I'm surprised we're not in uniform in here" (I'm not quite sure what this was supposed to mean- maybe it's a joke that we're not naked in the communal shower?) I look back at the officer and raise my eyebrows. He smiles but keeps pushing me forward.

The dream cuts to us in a dark hallway-it looks like the upstairs hallway at my house. We are standing right next to the bathroom. I remember the trailer and know that the evil thing is standing in the bathroom, so I close my eyes and try to guide the officer to the stairs. I feel him get tugged away and immediately run to my room. I see a pile of clothes on my bed and notice something start to rise from them. I knew it was the creature, so I run to the room across from mine and try to quietly close the door. I hear the other police officer come running up to my bedroom and say "Ah, there you are! We have some questions for you!" (he was talking to the awful thing, thinking it was me!) I peek out behind the door to see what is going on and I see the creature walking up to the officer (its gait was awful- it trembled and tensed as you would expect a scary ghost lady to walk in a horror movie). Suddenly it stops. I see its head turn towards me, its eyes shining in the dark. I slam the door shut, but get the awful realization that it is going to teleport right behind me. I start to panic then I wake up! I'm SO glad I didn't have to experience it appearing behind me! That would be too much :(

<Me after I saw that awful demon lady!>

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